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(See also Coins Transniestria)






For details of all three coins see below


Open Heroes


This page provides links to my collection of coins from Ukraine. The full list of issued coins since 1995 can be found on . Most are (Ag925) or from nickel-silver. Many are minted from German silver or bimetal non precious. Few are from Gold (Au900). Five coins have been issued as buillon coins (Au 999.9) of Archangel Michael.

In accordance with the Ukrainian President Decree and Articles 99 and 102 of the Constitution of Ukraine, a monetary reform was implemented in Ukraine on September 2-16, 1996. The national currency Hryvnia and its one hundredth part- kopiyka was put into circulation. Lettered code - UAH, numeric code - 980, abbreviated name - Hrn. Issuing institution - the National Bank of Ukraine.To date ukraine regularly issues silver and gold commemorative coins since independence 2001 in several categories.

Most are in 925 Silver (sometimes thousands minted) and some are coloured or bi-metal. All are accompanied by certificates of authenticity and some are available in smart green velvet-lined boxes.

Follow a couple of examples I have aquired, both with a reasonably high mintage.

Texts and details are with thanks from the National Bank Website

Hopak (10 Hryvna) - O 38.6 mm, weight 31,1g Ag, edge smooth with in-depth legends, Ag925, mintage 7000, 26 July 2011.

Series: Other coins
The commemorative coin is dedicated to the Hopak, a Ukrainian folk dance, the performance whereof includes various steps of choreographic improvisation. The dance may be solitary, couple or group one. The Hopak quite often happens to be of a majestic, heroic character.
Designer: Mykola Kochubei
Engraver: Anatolii Demianenko, Sviatoslav Ivanenko

Retail price, Hryvnas: 566,-

Hopak dance
Obverse: there are the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine and the semicircular description ÍÀÖ²ÎÍÀËÜÍÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÈ (National Bank of Ukraine), a couple caught up in the stylized swirl of a dance and the following legends beneath: ÄÅÑßÒÜ ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (10 hryvnias), as well as the issue year - 2011.
Hopak dance reverse
Revers: a dancing Cossack with a sable to whose left there is stylized ornament.
The House with Chimeras (10 Hryvna) - Proof, O 38,6 mm, weight 31,1g Ag, edge smooth with in-depth legends, mintage 5000, 15 May 2013.  
Series: Architectural monuments of Ukraine

The commemorative coin is dedicated to a building designed in the early 20th century by a prominent architect, engineer, traveler and businessman Vladyslav Horodetskyi whose 150th birth anniversary it also commemorates. Unusual in artistic design and new in style, the house features sculptures in the form of mythical creatures and hunting scenes.

Designer: Oleksandr Kuzmin, Maria Skoblikova
Engraver: Sviatoslav Ivanenko, Anatolii Demianenko

Retail price, Hryvnas: 566,-

House of Chimeras
Obverse: above there is the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine with the semicircular inscription ÍÀÖ²ÎÍÀËÜÍÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÈ (National Bank of Ukraine) and the coin issue year indication 2013 (thereunder to the right); against the background of the House with Chimeras there is a portrait with the bow-shaped inscription thereunder Â.ÃÎÐÎÄÅÖÜÊÈÉ (V.Horodetskyi); to the left there are the architect`s years of life 1863-1930; above them there is the coin face value: 10 ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (10 hryvnias) on the silver coin together with the National Bank of Ukraine Mint mark. above there is the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine with the semicircular inscription ÍÀÖ²ÎÍÀËÜÍÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ ÓÊÐÀ¯ÍÈ (National Bank of Ukraine) and the coin issue year indication 2013 (thereunder to the right); against the background of the House with Chimeras there is a portrait with the bow-shaped inscription thereunder Â.ÃÎÐÎÄÅÖÜÊÈÉ (V.Horodetskyi); to the left there are the architect`s years of life 1863-1930; above them there is the coin face value: 10 ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (10 hryvnias) on the silver coin together with the National Bank of Ukraine Mint mark.
House of Chimeras (revers)
Revers:against the background of the House with Chimeras contours there is a fragment of a sculptural composition in relief embellishing the House fa?ade; to the left there is the architect`s facsimile signature (vertically); to the right there is the semicircular inscription ÁÓÄÈÍÎÊ Ç ÕÈÌÅÐÀÌÈ (house with chimeras).
Euromaidan (5 Hryvna) - Special Uncirculated, O 35mm, weight 16,54g Nickel-Silver, edge corrugated, mintage 100.000, 18 February 2015.  
Series: Heroes of Maidan

Set of three commemorative coins dedicated to the protest actions that took place in Ukraine and were full of the aspiration for changes, for the European direction of our country development.

The second coin is consecrated to the memory of the heroes that have become a symbol of the dignity; each of them has accomplished a feat having risen in rebellion against the violence and injustice, having sacrificed the most valuable - the life - for the new reviving Ukraine.

The third coin is dedicated to the civic spirit and patriotism manifested by the citizens of Ukraine of all nationalities aspiring to develop and strengthen the democracy, its constitutional principles, human rights and liberties.

Designer: Volodymyr Taran, Oleksandr Kharuk, Serhii Kharuk
Engraver: Sviatoslav Ivanenko, Roman Chaikovskyi

Retail price, Hryvnas: 29,-

Heroes of Maidan Series 2014 (Euromaidan)
Obverse: against an embossed background, reminding the a image a flapping flag, there are: the inscription Óêðà¿íà (Ukraine) above with the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine to the left thereof; the coin face value 5/ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (5/hryvnias) and issue year 2015 indication (to the left); the mark of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint (below); in the centre, within the square formed by the inscription quoting Article 5 of the Constitution of Ukraine: ÍÎѲªÌ ÑÓÂÅÐÅͲÒÅÒÓ/² ªÄÈÍÈÌ ÄÆÅÐÅËÎÌ/ÂËÀÄÈ Â ÓÊÐÀ¯Í²/ª ÍÀÐÎÄ (THE BEARERS OF SOVEREIGNTY / AND THE ONLY SOURCE / OF POWER IN UKRAINE / ARE ITS PEOPLE) there is a fragment representing the viche (popular assembly).
Heroes of Maidan Series (Euromaidan)
Revers: symbolic composition against the background of the European Union flag. The clenched hand is holding the State Flag of Ukraine (the flags are represented with use of pad printing); to the left there is the legend ªÂÐÎÌÀÉÄÀÍ (Euromaidan).
Heavenly Hundred
Obverse:above, against the background of the pavement, the inscription Óêðà¿íà (Ukraine) with the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine thereunder; put on the pavement carnations that symbolize the heroes` blood shed and the inscription ÃÅÐί/ÍÅ ÂÌÈÐÀÞÒÜ! (Heroes / don`t die!); against the smooth background to the left there are the coin face value 5/ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (5/hryvnias) and issue year 2015 indication, to the right - the mark of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint.
Hevenly Hundred (revers)
Revers: the candles whose flames rise against the background of the blue and yellow (pad printing used) State Flag of Ukraine and symbolize the heroes` souls; above, against the smooth background, there is the legend: ÍÅÁÅÑÍÀ/ÑÎÒÍß (heavenly hundred).
Obverse: against the background of the bell, there are: the inscription Óêðà¿íà (Ukraine) above with the image of a participant in the events thereunder; against the embossed background of the coin representing the flame there are: the Small Coat of Arms of Ukraine (to the right) and the coin face value 5/ÃÐÈÂÅÍÜ (5/hryvnias) and issue year 2015 indication with the mark of the National Bank of Ukraine Mint (to the left).
Revolution of Dignity (revers)
Revers: composition in the form of the cross representing a moment of the events - opposition offering (pad printing used); above there is the inscription ÐÅÂÎËÞÖ²ß/òÄÍÎÑÒ² (revolution / of dignity).


(See also coins Transniestria)




Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.