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Snapshots from Victory day in Chisinau Moldova. For more click on the photo.






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architect in spe Martin exhibits at the International School in Founex-Geneva (April 2004) Spiritus ubi vult spirat

After the wonderful lecture of Sir Peter Ustinov at the Club de la Presse in Geneva, Lenka, Martin and myself (left to right) 31 March 2003

Katka with her friend visiting the local crafts market in Chisinau (2002)
Haloween organised by US Embassy staff with Yoko Akasaka, Lenka, Amb. Rudolf Perina and yes... myself in Chisinau 2000
Viva Moldova!
Moldovans Oleg Palii, Dr. Volodja, Mr. Vasile Batcu and Ms. Balitski in Geneva meeting Peter Mac Alister at home (from left to right)
Birds eye!
Arial view of our family house in Ornex, France.
One of most impressive wine cellars in the world - Cricovo with 60 km of labyrinths lined by champagne and fine Moldovan wines like Fetyaska, Rizling, Pinot, Sauvignon and Codru
in vino veritas!
Cricovo was the keeper of the Soviet booty taken from the Herman Goering wine collection and includes these bottles of Chateau Mouton 1-re cru Rottschild Pauillac 1936.
I love empty beaches
Work was tough on ocassion...
important! The pin board in my office...
Find us!
Work was also attending courses in San Remo...
weapons & religion=eternal flame Just outside of Government controlled territory in Benderi contolled by Transdnistrian separatists with Petr Novak and Marketa Sedovapin board in my office...
After training in Malovata Noua with judges and prosecutors... we were here too! Lenka, Gagarin and myself in Cricovo...
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Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.