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The jurisprudence of the juridical international institutions relating to refugee issues

Centru de Drept, Chisinau, Volume II , 2001


A year has passed since the publication of the first volume of translations of international jurisprudence relating to refugee issues and UNHCR is once again proud to be associated with an effort that increases the number of cases translated into Romanian, The second volume not only deals with "old" csses but by including recent case law also serves to remind us that international law constantly evolves bringing with it new guidance on how to interpret international standards.

The Republic of Moldova has continued on the path of transformation and its Parliament in early May 2001 made a crucial step when it adopted in the first reading the draft. Law on Refugees. The draft bill, prepared still by the "old" Parliament in the course of last year, constitutes a solid foundation on which experts and MPs alike can build-on to introduce into the domestic legal system a norm that will finally give meaning to para. 2 of art. 19 of tile Constitution of the Republic of Moldova (the right to asylum).

While the Republic of Moldova is indeed about to advance with regard to its national law, UNHCR is also pleased to observe that tangible progress is being achieved in adhering to one of the last international treaties not binding on it - the 1951 Geneva Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees and its 1967 Protocol (only two Euro-pean States have not done so). In mis regard, continuing in its efforts commenced in 1997, UNHCR is committed to assist the Government introduce a fair and efficient asylum system. Facilitating access for judges, lawyers and officials to international jurisprudence will in our view serve to underline the importance of the supremacy of international standards. The right of a persecuted person to be accorded protection for reasons of "race, nationality, ethnic origin, language, religion, sex, political choice, personal property or social origin" or any other relevant ground can thus be truly guaranteed.

The second volume of jurisprudence with over 40 previously unpublished cases expands the number of accessible decisions to readers in their mother tongue. Given our experience from last year, when in-spite of enormous efforts to the contrary, a number of mistakes still crept into the text, we re-doubled our efforts to ensure a quality result. The real work, was of course not in selection (although even this posed problems as few Moldovan lawyers are conversant with the jurisprudence or are simply not equipped sufficiently to follow new developments), but in the translation and editing for consistency. As in any unofficial translation attempt the editorial team endeavoured to make understandable the nuances of often eloquent or complex legal language applied by relevant international bodies. While all have done their best not only to translate literally, but also to remain faithful to the meaning, there is always room for improvement and comments will no doubt be appreciated.

UNHCR sincerely hopes that in providing greater insight to* cases involving the violations of fundamental human1 rights, be they of direct or indirect concern to refugees or aliens (e.g. conditions of detention), the legal community in Moldova will also be inspired to up-hold one of the key pillars of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) the right to asylum as enshrined in Article 14.

Once again I would like to thank the staff led by former Minister of Justice, former judge and now advocate, the Honorable Mr. Atexei Barbaneagra, Director of the Law Centre for University Advocates, for their hard work to make this project feasible and to express the hope that Moldovan jurists will take advantage of the opportunity that presents itself: to interpret international standards wisely and equitably, in the interest of us all.

Oldrich Andrysek
UNHCR Representative BO Moldova.
21 May 2001


Foreword (Oldrich Andrysek) .......... 5
Cuvant inainte (Oldrich Andrysek.......... 7
Argument (Alexei Barbaneagra.......... 9

Sectiunea I


Fox, Campbell si Hartley versus Marea Britanic si Irlanda de Nord.......... 13
Vilvarajah si altii versus Marea Britanie.......... 29
Vijayanathan si Pusparajah versus Franta.......... 64
Kemmache versus Franta.......... 79
Gul versus Elvetia.......... 92
Paez versus Suedia.......... 113
Sakik si altii versus Turcia.......... 120
Mentes si altii versus Turcia .......... 136
Bahaddar versus Olanda .......... 170
Dalia versus Franta .......... 184
Gulec versus Turcia .......... 197
Hatami versus Suedia .......... 227
Ogur versus Turcia .......... 235
Cakici versus Turcia .......... 268
T.I. versus Marea Britanie .......... 299
Aspichi Dehwari versus Olanda .......... 319
Magee versus Marea Britanie .......... 323
Cylyz versus Olanda.......... 338
G.H.H. si altii versus Turcia .......... 354
Jabari versus Turcia .......... 362
Maaouia versus Franta.......... 371
Ali Reza Kalantari versus Germania .......... 387
Emine Akyuz si altii versus Germania.......... 396
Abdol Ali Naghipour versus Olanda .......... 401
Kudla versus Polonia.......... 404
Joesph William Kwakyenti si Akua Dufie versus Olanda .......... 439
Goc versus Turcia.......... 447
Koksal versus Olanda .......... 455
Dougoz versus Grecia.......... 459

Sectiunea II


Ismail Alan versus Elvetia.......... 473
Kaveh Yaragh Tala versus Suedia.......... 481
Mutombo versus Elvetia.......... 489
Pauline Muzonzo Paku Kisoki versus Suedia .......... 497
Tahir Hussain Khan versus Canada .......... 503
X. versus Olanda .......... 515
A. F. versus Suedia .......... 520
Avedes Hamayak Korban versus Suedia .......... 528
Halii Haydin versus Suedia .......... 534
Orhan Ayas versus Suedia .......... 542
A. G. versus Suedia .......... 549
Gorki Emesto Tapia Paez versus Suedia .......... 552

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