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Labour Version R1
100th Anniversary of Lenin's Birth

The jubilee medal "For Valiant Labour in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary since the Birth of Vladimir Il'ich Lenin" (Юбилейная медаль «За доблестный труд в ознаменование 100-летия со дня рождения Владимира Ильича Ленина»; Medal «Za doblestnyj trud v oznamenovanie 100-letija so dnja rozhdenija Vladimira Il'icha Lenina») instituted on 5 November 1969. Over 11 million issued in three versions (labour, military or foreigner's version) in two variations (with or without letters LMD denoting Leningrad mint on reverse side of ring).

The labour version was awarded to all persons in state service on the occasion of Lenin's 100th Birthday, April 1970 (about 9 million).

The rarest had only 5000 issued to foreigners only (with no lettering at top of reverse). I have all in my collection.


AAbundant, readily available, often in wholesale quantities.
CCommon, always available. Occasionally in quantity.
R1Usually available without a long delay. Difficult to find in quantity.
R2Scarce to rare, less seldom available.
R3Rare. Difficult to find.
R4Very rare. Demand outstrips supply, and specimens, when available are often eagerly sought.
R5Extremely rare and seldom available. Collector may have to search for a few years to locate one.
R6Of the highest rarity. Very difficult to obtain.
R7Almost never available. Most collectors will not have a chance to acquire these pieces.
R8Never been on the market. Almost impossible to obtain.
R*Not available for collections.


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