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no. 10

This interesting documented set of late Leonid Konstantinovich Kulaksis who after WWII was a trolleybus driver in Chisinau Moldova. In his youth he must have seen a lot of action - to see all you will have to visit three separate pages. The thumnail of the three medals below takes you to part 1 where you can also inspect his Communist Party card (note that it is in Russian and Moldovan - Romanian written in the Cyrrilic).

To see details of a number of documented awards see part 2.

For all sorts of other documents and membership cards, a badge with certificate of a winner of the "Socialist competition of 1975", an award for excellent labour ("udarnik"), click on thumnail to take you to part 3.

Be prepared for longer downloads (nearly 400Kb per part)!

Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.