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Private site of Soviet awards collector (and legal publications)




This page has been in preparation since March 2002 and was posted on Victory Day 9 May 2002. 



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Name: Victor data: 2008-03-22 12:42:53 email:
I'm an orders collector from Spain, if you're interested to exchange some soviet orders for spanish medals, send me an email. Also I sell them in my ebay store, V.F.M.R Orders&Medals.
Waiting your news, best regards from Spain.
Hi Victor, I only collect Soviet orders, sorry, oa
Name: vladimir tasayuv data: 2008-03-19 17:18:44 email:
i am communist .
Name: nika data: 2008-03-17 12:21:25 email:
kak naiti cenu na antikvarni serebrennie moneti? pazalusta pomagite
Name: nika data: 2008-03-17 12:18:13 email:
xaroshi site
spasibo za ocenku, serebranymi monetami nezamimajus i nemogo pomosch, oa
Name: Mark data: 2008-03-07 11:06:33 email:
for exchange: ORB screwback 4XXXX, Red Stars screwposts -low numbers-3XXXX,5XXXX, Glory-low numbers-5XXXX. Documented group with ORB,Red Star,medals. Reply for scans please. Regards, Mark.
Name: edward data: 2008-02-25 18:09:08 email:
Hi I wish to part with some of my Korea/Vietnam named and boxed Purple Hearts. I would like to get some Soviet orders can we deal ? thank you.

Name: Colin McIntosh data: 2008-02-24 22:08:17 email:
Hello. I want to buy
Rosette for the French resistance medal. Color red & black
Rosette for the Polish Polonia Restituta Color red with 2 white side stripes
Virtuti Militari medal Copy preferred.
Can you help me ?
Sorry, no idea on this count!
Name: Edward Star data: 2008-02-17 22:23:42 email:
I have 20 years of rkka variation 2 for exchange.I am intrested in order of personel caurage.
Hi, I just mught be interested!Please send a scan ok?
Name: Jens Zander data: 2008-02-14 11:50:59 email:
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

In spring 2004 a package containing a larger documented group, which I purchased from an antiques merchant in the US, dissapeared on it`s way from the US to Germany.

I`ve made a research request and now (nearly 4 years later) it turned out that it had been stolen from a US package/ parcel center in the eastern states of the US.

I`d like to ask you, if you`ve seen or heard of one of the following items or the whole group. If yes, please contact me. I`ve paid a real load of money for this group and of course I want to have it “back”. Please help me !

WWII Soviet medal group to Pilot & Political Commissar Nikolai Petrovich Shulga.He served with the 2nd Squadron,Krasnodar Aviation School,161st Reserve Fighter Aviation Reg SKOV,263rd Fighter Aviation Reg,1st Guards Fighter Aviation "RED GUARDS" and "ORDER OF LENIN" Regiment.

The group comes with :
His original 18 page personnel file,held in a news printfolio,
A copy of his personnel service file from the Russian State Archives in Moscow,
English translation of 29+ pages,
His "Combat Zone Flight Log" with a listing of the types of aircraft flown(U-2,UT-2,P-5,PO-2) with over 75 hours of combat zone flight time.

Orders & Medals :
Order of Lenin,No. 304785,
Order of the Red Banner,No. 529008,
Order of the Patriotic War 1c,No. 207935,29. May,1945,
Order of the Patriotic War 2c,No. 209816,8. Aug,1945,
Order of the Red Star,No. 247050,19. Aug,1943,
Order of the Red Star,No. 3121064,21. Aug,1953,
Medal For Combat Service,No. 129903,19. Feb,1943,
Medal For Combat Service,No. 3207721,6. Nov,1947.

All of the above are listed in a 1943 to 1945 awards card.

Medal for the Defence of Leningrad,
Medal for Victory over Germany,
Medal for the Capture of Berlin with its awards card,
Medal for the Liberation of Prague with its awards card,
WWII Guards Badge,
1950s Academy Badge with its awards card.

Thank you very much for your time and your support.

Jens Zander, Germany

Name: Mila data: 2008-01-05 23:58:28 email:
My Grandfather’s USSR WWII order of Red STAR # 1354233 was stolen many years ago. If by chance anyone has come across it I would love to buy it back.
My Grandfather was a young doctor and the Star saved his life by stopping a bullet. Subsequently one of the corners is missing the red enamel.
I am only interested in recovering the metal not the thief.
So please contact me, I can't tell you what this would mean to all of us.
My email
Thank you,
Name: Jason data: 2008-01-05 15:07:48 email:
Looking for authentication services for several of my soviet orders...any recomendations? Previous sites that offered these services are gone.
Name: Olga data: 2008-01-02 05:35:34 email:
Dear Oldrich,

I have my grandfather's Order of the Red Banner but it's history is lost. Would you know anyone who can assist with getting records & commendations from the ex-Soviet archives?

Any tips will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards,
Only Russian archives close to Moscow...
Name: Alistair data: 2007-12-15 04:07:49 email:
Hi great site

I would be interested in purchasing one of your order of the october revolution medals with document, or infact any original medals with documents...however i do not have much to exchange as at the moment i am trying to buy one of every medal (exept order of vicotry of course)

Dear Alistair,
sorry, I must still enlarge my collection so I only exchange!!! Good luck in your quest...
Name: Svetlana data: 2007-12-14 06:08:13 email:
I want to sail Russian medals. My tel 07737784020
Your number is in Russia?
Name: Ancors data: 2007-12-06 17:12:09 email:
Do you have for sale USSR order of RED BANNER nr. 230... - 235000, order of RED STAR nr. 100... - 105000 and order of PATRIOTIC WAR 60... - 65000? Do you know where I can find them? Originals only. Thank You, Ancors
Dear Ancors,

I only exchange to enlarge my own collection so sorry, but have a look at the links page, there are a few reputable dealers there,
Name: Don Culp data: 2007-12-04 12:00:20 email:
Do you have for sale mongolian Labor Red Banner,Military Red Banner, or Suche Bator? Do you know where I can find them? Originals only. Thank You,Don.
Dear Don,

I only exchange to enlarge my own collection for missing pieces, sorry,
Name: Holger Herbst data: 2007-12-04 07:43:57 email:
I have many books and insignias to trade or to sell.
Thank you for the offer, I maybe interested, by the way I added a link to your site to my Links page, would you reciprocate? oa
Name: manuel data: 2007-11-27 16:58:21 email:
Hello Oldrich, im interested in the soviets medals of the capture/defense/liberation.
what are the highest reference book of this medels?
thank you, and great website
Hi Manuel,

there are quite a few, MC Daniels (English but a bit outdated now, Dietrich Herfurth (German, now fourht edition) and a Russian series called AVERS are probably the best.
Hope this helps,
Name: Matthew Fletcher data: 2007-11-26 16:48:44 email:
re: Hero of Socialist Labour

I'm trying to find the medal and documentation for an award of the Hero of Socialist Labour to a gentleman called Georgy Kasavchenko. He was a geologist in Uzbekistan and the medal was sold in the early nineties in Tashkent. Can you recommend any way of perhaps finding / buying this? Many thanks, Matthew
Hi Matthew,

tough question, first you would need to know the serial number, that would be available if you went through the Pravda archives (they published laureats), other wise archives of the former Supreme Soviet of the USSR. If awarded in Uzbekistan, then its Supreme Soviet, but not sure about that, either way not easy to gain access. If you check out my links page then you will find several Russian language sites that help in matters like that (sometimes for a fee).

Regards, Oldrich
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Copyright © 2002-2018 Oldrich Andrysek. Contents are copyrighted but may be used with permission (scans can be downloaded if credit is given). Page created by Nick Ionascu.