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Church of the birth of Christ 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000.
Church of the Christ's birth

Avers: mage of the Cathedral of the Birth of Christ in Tiraspol. An inscription “2000” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription "ÑÎÁÎÐ ÐÎÆÄÅÑÒÂÀ ÕÐÈÑÒÎÂÀ" (The Cathedral of the "Christmas") at the top, encircled by aninscription "ÒÈÐÀÑÏÎËÜ" (Tiraspol) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g. mintages 50, 1000 Rubles).

Church of the Christ's birth (revers)

Revers: image of the PMR State Emblem with a circular inscription in Cyrillic "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Church of the Protection of the Virgin, Valia-Adynkae 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000.
Church of the Protection of the Virgin. Valia-Adynkae
Avers: image of the Church of the Protection of the Virgin in Valia-Adynkae. An inscription “XVII â” ( XVII century in Cyrillic ) indicating the period of building is above the image to the right. A circling inscription "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÏÎÊÐÎÂÀ ÁÎÆÜÅÉ ÌÀÒÅÐÈ" (The Church of the Protection of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ÂÀËß-ÀÄÝÍÊÝ" (Valia-Adynkae) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g. mintages 50, 1000 Rubles). 

Church of the Protection of the Virgin. Valia-Adynkae (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State emblem with a circular inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin is at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Church of Assumption of the Virgin, Voronkovo100 Rubles: diam. of 32 mm; wei. 14.14g, 925 Ag, plain edge, Mintage 500.
Church of Assumption of the Virgin, Voronkovo
 Avers: Church of Assumption of the Virgin in the village of Voronkovo. An inscription “1800” indicating the year building of the church was finished is above to the right. A circling inscription "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÓÑÏÅÍÈß ÏÐÅÑÂßÒÎÉ ÁÎÃÎÃÎÄÈÖÛ" (The Church of Assumption of the Virgin) in Cyrillic is at the top, a circling inscription "ÂÎÐÎÍÊÎÂÎ" (Voronkovo) in Cyrillic is at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Church of Assumption of the Virgin, Voronkovo (revers)

Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom. The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Cathedral of Ascension, Kitskany 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000.
The Cathedral of Ascension, Kitskany
Avers: image of the Cathedral of Ascension in the village of Kitskany. An inscription “1864” indicating the year building was finished is above the image to the right. A circling inscription "ÑÎÁÎÐ ÂÎÇÍÅÑÅÍÈß ÃÎÑÏÎÄÍß" (The Cathedral of Ascension) at the top, a circling inscription "ÊÈÖÊÀÍÛ" (Kitskany) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Cathedral of Ascension, Kitskany (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Bendery 100 Rubles: diam. 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 Silver, plain edge, Mintage 500.
Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Bendery
Avers: image of the Cathedral of the Transfiguration in Bendery. An inscription “1825” indicating the year building was finished is above the image. A circling inscription "ÏÐÅÎÁÐÀÆÅÍÑÊÈÉ ÑÎÁÎÐ" (The Cathedral of the Transfiguration) at the top, a circling inscription "ÁÅÍÄÅÐÛ" (Bendery) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Cathedral of the Transfiguration, Bendery (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Church of the Saint Trinity, 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000.
Church of the Saint Trinity, Rashov
Avers: image of The Church of Saint Trinity in the village of Rashkov. An inscription “1778” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription  "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÑÂßÒÎÉ  ÆÈÂÎÍÀ×ÀËÜÍÎÉ ÒÐÎÈÖÛ"  (The Church of Saint Trinity) at the top, a circling inscription "ÐÀØÊÎÂ" (Rashkov) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Church of the Saint Trinity,
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Church of Michael the Archangel, Stroentsy 100 Rubles: diam. 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.

Church of Michael the Archangel, Stroentsy
Avers: image of the Church of Michael the Archangel in the village of Stroentsy. An inscription “XIX” indicating the century of the church building is above the image. A circling inscription  "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÌÈÕÀÈËÀ ÀÐÕÀÍÃÅËÀ" (The Church of Michael the Archangel) at the top, a circling inscription "ÑÒÐÎÅÍÖÛ" (Stroentsy) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Church of Michael the Archangel, Stroentsy
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Church St. Virgin’s Nativity, Vadul-Turckuluy 100 Rubles: diam. 32 mm, wei. 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 Ag. Mintage 500.
Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity, Vadul-Turckuluy
Avers: image of the Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity in the village of Vadul-Turckuluy. An inscription “1784” indicating the year of building is above the image . A circling inscription  "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÐÎÆÄÅÑÒÂÀ ÏÐÅÑÂßÒÎÉ ÁÎÃÎÐÎÄÈÖÛ" (The Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity) at the top, a circling inscription "ÂÀÄÓË-ÒÓÐÊÓËÓÉ" (Vadul-Turckuluy) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles). 
Church of St. Virgin’s Nativity, Vadul-Turckuluy (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Church of Paraskeva of Serbia, Zozuliany 100 Rubles: diam. 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Church of Paraskeva of Serbia, Zozuliany
Avers: image of the Church of Paraskeva of Serbia in the village of Zozuliany. An inscription “1854” indicating the year of building is above the image. A circling inscription  "ÖÅÐÊÎÂÜ ÏÀÐÀÑÊÅÂÛ ÑÅÐÁÑÊÎÉ" (The Church of Paraskeva of Serbia) at the top, a circling inscription  "ÇÎÇÓËßÍÛ" (Zozuliany) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Church of Paraskeva of Serbia, Zozuliany (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2001“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa 100 Rubles: diam. 32 mm, wei. 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 Ag, mintage 500.
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa
Avers: image of the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the town of Rybnitsa. A circling inscription  "ÌÈÕÀÈËÎ-ÀÐÕÅÍÃÅËÜÑÊÈÉ ÑÎÁÎР" (The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel) at the top, an inscription “2006” indicating the year the cathedral was built is below to the left, and a circling inscription "ÐÛÁÍÈÖÀ" (Rybnitsa) at the bottom. A gold version exists also (900 Au, 21mms, 8g, mintage 50, 1000 Rubles).
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa (gold) 1000 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa (Gold)
Avers:image of the Cathedral of Michael the Archangel in the town of Rybnitsa. A circling inscription  "ÌÈÕÀÈËÎ-ÀÐÕÅÍÃÅËÜÑÊÈÉ ÑÎÁÎÐ" (The Cathedral of Michael the Archangel) at the top, an inscription “2006” indicating the year the cathedral was built is below to the left, and a circling inscription "ÐÛÁÍÈÖÀ" (Rybnitsa) at the bottom. 
Cathedral of Michael the Archangel, Rybnitsa Gold (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (1000 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “1000 RUBLES”.


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