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Ataman Yakov Kukharenko 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Ataman Kukharenko

Avers: portrait of Yakov Kukharenko , the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, in Cossack uniform with epaulets, a breast honor-cross, and a gun on his back against the background of the Cossacks’ dwelling. The inscriptions along the edging as follows: "ßÊΠÊÓÕÀÐÅÍÊÎ 1799-1862" (YAKOV KUHARENKO 1799-1862) is on the left, "ÍÀÊÀÇÍÎÉ ÀÒÀÌÀÍ ×ÊÂ" (THE ATAMAN OF BSCA) (abbr. for THE BLACK SEA COSSACK ARMY) on the right. The inscription  "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on a stylized ribbon along the edging is under the image and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating the year of forming of the Black Sea Cossack Army in the middle of the ribbon.

Ataman Kukharenko (revers)

Revers: image of the PMR State Emblem with a circular inscription in Cyrillic "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The mint year “2006 “ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Ataman Fyodor Bursak 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Ataman Bursak
Avers: portrait of Fyodor Bursak, the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, in Cossack uniform against the background of a battlefield. The inscriptions along the edging: "Ô¨ÄÎÐ ÁÓÐÑÀÊ" (Fyodor Bursak) to the left of the portrait, "ÊÎØÅÂÎÉ ÀÒÀÌÀÍ ×Ê 1782-1825" (THE ATAMAN OF BSCA in 1782-1825) is to the right of the portrait. "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on the stylized ribbon along the edging under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating the year of it forming in the middle.
Ataman Bursak (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State with a circular inscription in Cyrillic "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin is at the bottom. The mint year “2006 “ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Ataman Sidor Beliy 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Ataman Beliy
 Avers: portrait of Sidor Beliy, the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, against the background of a watch-tower and a Cossack riding a horse with a spear in his hand. On the left there is an inscription “1735-1788” indicating Beliy’s life. The encircling inscription "ÑÈÄÎÐ ÁÅËÛÉ" (SIDOR BELIY) and "ÊÎØÀ ÂÅÐÍÛÕ ÊÀÇÀÊÎÂ" (KOSHA OF FAITHFUL COSSACKS) ("KOSHA" is the old name for Black Sea Cossack Army) is below. "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on the stylized ribbon along the edging under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating the year of its forming in the middle of the ribbon.
Ataman Beliy (revers)

Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom. The mint year “2006 “ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Ataman Zakhariy Chepega-Kulish 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Ataman Chepega-Kulish
Avers: portrait of Zakhariy Chepega-Kulish, the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army, against the background of a sailing boat with oarsmen. An inscription “1726-1797” indicating Zakhariy Chepega-Kulish’s life to the right. Encircling inscription "ÇÀÕÀÐÈÉ ×ÅÏÅÃÀ-ÊÓËÈØ" (Zakhariy Chepega-Kulish) and an inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on the stylized ribbon along the edging is under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating its forming in the middle of the ribbon.
Ataman Chepega-Kulish (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Seal of Faithful Black Sea Cossacks: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g (925 Ag & 0.8g 999 Au), plain edge, Mintage 300.
Stamp of Faithful Black Sea Cossacks
Avers: image of the Seal of Faithful Black Sea Cossacks in the centre struck as a gold insert. In the centre of the seal an image of an armed Cossack holding a banner of Cossack  troops. A circling inscription  "ÏÅ×ÀÒÜ ÊÎØÀ ÂÎÈÑÊÀ ÂÅÐÍÛÕÚ ÊÀÇÀÊÎÂÚ ×ÅÐÍÎÌÎÐÑÊÈÕÚ" (Stamp of Faithful Black Sea Cossack Army) along edging.
Stamp of Faithful Black Sea Cossacks (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
 Ataman Anton Golovaty 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Ataman Golovaty
Avers: image of portrait of Anton Golovaty, the ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army,against the background of a fortress attacked by the group of Cossacks .A circling inscription  "ÀÍÒÎÍ ÃÎËÎÂÀÒÛÉ" (Anton Golovaty) in Cyrillic is to the left of the portrait along the edging. A circling inscription  "ÀÒÀÌÀÍ ×ÊÂ" (Ataman of the Black Sea Cossack Army) to the right of the portrait and a circling inscription “1732-1797” indicating his life span is below the inscription “ÀÒÀÌÀÍ ×Ê”. An inscription  "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on the stylized ribbon along the edging under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating its year of formation in the middle of the ribbon.
Ataman Golovaty (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Ataman Alexander Kusher diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.

Ataman Kusher
Averse: portrait ataman Black Sea of the Black Sea Cossack Army Alexander Kusher on a background the Bendery bridge on the Dniester. On the left above "ÀËÅÊÑÀÍÄÐ ÊÓ×ÅÐ" (Alexander Kusher), lower his  life span "1947-1992". On the right above inscription "ÂÎÉÑÊÎÂÎÉ ÀÒÀÌÀÍ ×ÊÂ" (THE ATAMAN OF BSCA). An inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÜÅ - ÊÐÀÉ ÊÀÇÀ×ÈÉ" (Transdniester region, Cossacks’ land) on the stylized ribbon along the edging under the portrait and an image of the Emblem of the Black Sea Cossack Army with an inscription “1787” indicating its formation in the middle of the ribbon.   
Ataman Kusher (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.


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| Kolkotov ravine | Red Book | Industry | XXIX Beijing Olympics |




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