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Capricorn 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.

Avers: circular inscription "ÊÎÇÅÐÎÃ" (CAPRICORN) at the top. The image of the sign of the zodiac “CAPRICORN“ is in the centre. An inscription "22 ÄÅÊÀÁÐß - 20 ßÍÂÀÐß" (22ND OF DECEMBER -20TH OF JANUARY) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in a semicircle along the edging at the bottom.

Capricorn (revers)

Revers: image of the PMR State Emblem with a circular inscription in Cyrillic "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Aquarius 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription "21 ßÍÂÀÐß - 19 ÔÅÂÐÀËß" (21st OF JANUARY – 19th OF FEBRUARY) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle along the edging from left to right at the top. The image of the sign “Aquarius “ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ÂÎÄÎËÅÉ" (AQUARIUS) is written in semicircle at the bottom. 

Aquarius (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State emblem with a circular inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin is at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. 

Piecies 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
 Avers: An inscription "20 ÔÅÂÐÀËß - 20 ÌÀÐÒÀ" (20th of FEBRUARY – 20th of MARCH)  indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The stylized image of the sign of the zodiac “PIESCIES“ is in the centre. A circular inscription  "ÐÛÁÛ" (PIESCIES) in Cyrillic is written in semicircle along the edging at the bottom.
Piecies (revers)

Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom. The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Aries 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription "21 ÌÀÐÒÀ - 20 ÀÏÐÅËß" (21st of MARCH – 20th of APRIL) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The stylized image of the sign of the zodiac “ARIES“ is in the centre. A circular inscription  "ÎÂÅÍ" (ARIES) is written in semicircle at the bottom.
Aries (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Taurus 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14.14g (925 Ag & 0.8g 999 Au), plain edge, Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription  "21 ÀÏÐÅËß - 21 ÌÀß" (21st of APRIL – 21st of MAY) indicating the period of activity of the sign in semicircle at the top. The stylized image of the sign of the zodiac “TAURUS “ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ÒÅËÅÖ" (TAURUS)  in is in semicircle at the bottom
Taurus (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Gemini 100 Rubles: diameter of 32 mm; weight 14.14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000.
Avers: An inscription "22 ÌÀß - 21 ÈÞÍß" (22st MAY of – 21st JUNE) indicating the period of activity of the sign in a semicircle at the top. The stylized image of the sign of the zodiac “GEMINI" is in the centre. A circular inscription  "ÁËÈÇÍÅÖÛ " (GEMINI) in a semicircle along the edging at the bottom.
Gemini (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.

Cancer 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.

An inscription  "22 ÈÞÍß - 23 ÈÞËß" (22nd of JUNE – 23rd of JULY) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The image of the sign of the zodiac “CANCER“ is in the centre. A circular inscription  "ÐÀÊ" (CANCER)  Cyrillic is written in semicircle along the edging at the bottom.
Cancer (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Leo 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription "24 ÈÞËß - 23 ÀÂÃÓÑÒÀ" (24th of JULY - 23rd of AUGUST) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The sign of the zodiac “LEO “ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ËÅÂ" (LEO) in Cyrillic is written in semicircle along the edging at the bottom. 
Leo (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Virgo 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Virgo Avers: An inscription "24 ÀÂÃÓÑÒÀ - 23 ÑÅÍÒßÁÐß" (24th of AUGUST – 23rd of SEPTEMBER) indicating the period of activity of the sign in a semicircle at the top. The stylized image of the sign of the zodiac “VIRGO“ is in the centre. A circular inscription  "ÄÅÂÀ" (VIRGO) is written in semicircle at the bottom. Virgo (revers) Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Libra 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription "24 ÑÅÍÒßÁÐß - 23 ÎÊÒßÁÐß" (24th of SEPTEMBER – 23rd of OCTOBER) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The image of the zodiac “LIBRA“ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ÂÅÑÛ" (LIBRA) is to the right of the image written in semicircle along the edging. 
Libra (rvers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Scorpion 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription  "24 ÎÊÒßÁÐß - "22 ÍÎßÁÐß"  (24th of OCTOBER – 22nd of NOVEMBER) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The image of the “SCORPION “ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ÑÊÎÐÏÈÎÍ" (SCORPION) in Cyrillic is written in semicircle along the edging at the bottom.
Scorpion (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Sagitarius 100 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Avers: An inscription "23 ÍÎßÁÐß - 21 ÄÅÊÀÁÐß" (23rd of NOVEMBER – 21st of DECEMBER) indicating the period of activity of the sign is written in semicircle at the top. The image of “SAGITTARIUS “ is in the centre. A circular inscription "ÑÒÐÅËÅÖ" (SAGITTARIUS) is written in semicircle at the bottom.
Sagitarius (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2005“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Ophiucus 10 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Avers: image of Ophiucus with a snake in his hands against a background of a star-filled sky in the centre. A circular inscription “Ophiucus" to the right in asemicircle along the edging and "27 ÍÎßÁÐß - 17 ÄÅÊÀÁÐß" (27th of NOVEMBER – 17th of DECEMBER) to the left in a semicircle along the edging. An inscription  "ÇÌÅÅÍÎÑÅÖ"  (Ophiucus) (snake-holder in Latin) at the top. 
Ophiucus (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "10 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “10 RUBLES”.
Epoch aquarius 10 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 silver. Mintage 500.
Epoch aquarius
Avers: At centre an image of Epoch AQUARIUS, circled - twelve images of the signs of the zodiac. Above: from left to right inscription "ÝÏÎÕÀ ÂÎÄÎËÅß" (EPOCH AQUARIUS), below - "XXI ÂÅÊ" (XXI CENTURY).
Epoch aquarius
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "10 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “10 RUBLES”.
Epoch aquarius (gold) 3 Rubles: diameter 32 mm, weight 14,14 g, smooth edge, 925 Ag & 999 Gold. Mintage 100.
Epoch aquarius gold
Avers: image «Epoch AQUARIUS», encircled by 12 images of the twelve signs of the zodiac in gold (0,1255 g). Above from left to right inscription "ÝÏÎÕÀ ÂÎÄÎËÅß" (EPOCH AQUARIUS), below -  "XXI ÂÅÊ" (XXI CENTURY). 
Epoch aquarius gold (revers)
Revers: image of PMR State Emblem "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) around the image along the edging and an inscription "10 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin at the bottom.The mint year “2007“ is above the inscription “10 RUBLES”.


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