Home Coins
| Anniversary | Fauna Transdniestria | Outstanding people| Arms of cities | Orthodox temples |
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| Kolkotov ravine | Red Book | Industry | XXIX Beijing Olympics | |
Fire-bird 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14,14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000. |
Avers: image of Ivan the Tsar’s Son with a Fire-Bird in his hand against the background of the apple-tree with falling apples. An inscription "ÆÀÐ-ÏÒÈÖÀ" (Fire-Bird) above right along the edging, a stylized ribbon with an inscription "ÏÎ ÌÎÒÈÂÀÌ ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ ÍÀÐÎÄÍÛÕ ÑÊÀÇÎÊ" (After Russian Folk Fairytales) on left in the lower part in semicircle.
Revers: image of the PMR State Emblem with a circular inscription in Cyrillic "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) at the bottom. The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Ivasic Telesic 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14,14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000. |
Avers: image of a character of the Ukrainian folk story Ivasik-Telesik sitting in the wooden boat with caught fish against the background of river rush. An inscription "IBACÈK - ÒÅËÅÑÈÊ" (IVASIK-TELESIK) in Ukrainian is to the left of the image along the edging, and an inscription "ÇÀ ÌÎÒÈÂÀÌÈ ÓÊÐÀIÍÑÜÊÈÕ ÍÀÐÎÄÍÈÕ ÊÀÇÎÊ" (After Ukrainian Folk Fairytales) in the Ukrainian language on the stylized ribbon is on the right written in semicircle along the edging. |
Revers: image of PMR State emblem with a circular inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin is at the bottom. The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”. |
Ivasic Telesic 100 rubles: diameter of 32 mm, weight 14,14g, 925 silver. Plain edge, Mintage 1000 |
Avers: image of Fet-Frumos riding a horse and killing a gigantic snake with a sword in the centre. An inscription "ÔÝÒ-ÔÐÓÌÎÑ" (FET-FRUMOS) left along the edging, an inscription "ÏÅ ÌÎÒÈÂÅËÅ ÏÎÂÅØÒÈËÎÐ ÏÎÏÓËÀÐÅ ÌÎËÄÎÂÅÍÅØÒÜ" (After Moldavian Folk Fairytales) in the Moldavian language on the stylized ribbon is on the right a semicircle.
Revers: : image of PMR State emblem with a circular inscription "ÏÐÈÄÍÅÑÒÐÎÂÑÊÈÉ ÐÅÑÏÓÁËÈÊÀÍÑÊÈÉ ÁÀÍÊ" (Trans-Dniestrian Republican Bank) along the edging and an inscription "100 ÐÓÁËÅÉ" (100 RUBLES) indicating the face value of the coin is at the bottom. The mint year “2006“ is above the inscription “100 RUBLES”.
Home Coins
| Anniversary | Fauna Transdniestria | Outstanding people| Arms of cities | Orthodox temples |
| Signs of the zodiac |Chinese horoscope | XX Turin Olympics | Dniester Fortresses | Cossacks |
| Fairy Tales | Sports | Russians in history | Spartakiada |
| Kolkotov ravine | Red Book | Industry | XXIX Beijing Olympics | |